Friday, June 18, 2010

I Do Nothing and I Live in My Car

I join you again from the town of Linville, North Carolina - nestled at the foot of Grandfather Mountain in Pisgah National Forest. It's here where I spent summers of my youth and where my parents have recently built a cabin. It's been a swell getaway and conveniently located between the mid-Atlantic and Jackson, Mississippi. There's not too much to report but nonetheless:

  • Attending Sister's graduation and a wedding, I have been forced to socialize with strangers upon my return. I'm all for meeting new people, but I've grown weary of the schmoozer question: So, where do you live and what do you do? My favorite response: I do nothing and I live in my car. To be fair, I really live out of my car, but the imagery of in it is so much better, don't you think? My favorite response so far to my explanation of travels is (completely seriously): So, when you're done traveling, will you go to business or law school?
  • The I-95 corridor between Boston and DC is perhaps the only place in America where you can drive 9 hours and never lose NPR. God bless America.
  • I love the North Carolina mountains. There's just no way not to. Perhaps it's the nostalgia of my youth, but how can one not enjoy a place where a) you can bike/hike to your heart's content b) boiled peanuts are available at every roadside stand and c) there is no need for neither AC nor heat. Ah, perfection.
From here it's back to Mississippi for Emily Claire's wedding (I have done my best to rid myself of my Chaco tan and even out my zebra stripes) and then back to Providence to record an album with Jonah. I'll be in Providence until the end of July and then I head west for a 9 week road trip. Let me know if you want to join!